Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Houston, TX

How Dentistry Has Changed with the Times

Dentist providing advanced dental services using modern dentistry technology

Dental technology keeps advancing at a remarkable rate, and as a result it has transformed the way dentists across the country make diagnoses and plan advanced treatments. We’re well aware of the importance of keeping up with dental technology and integrating it into our dental office. On this page, you can learn about some of the advanced instruments that you’ll find at our dental office; if you want to learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today.

Digital X-Rays

Dental team member capturing digital x-rays

Digital X-rays are a vast improvement when compared to their traditional counterparts, which is why Dr. Tamborello, Dr. Boone, and Dr. Devlin are proud to offer this advanced technology to patients. There are no more darkrooms, no more tedious waiting periods, and no more hazardous chemicals – instead, detailed images of your smile are simply captured and transferred to our computer system in a matter of seconds. We even color-code and magnify them so patients understand what they’re looking at! Additionally, the amount of radiation we expose patients to has been decreased by up to 90%.

Cone Beam Scanner

3 D C T cone beam digital x-ray scanner

While regular X-rays are useful for monitoring overall oral health and detecting decay in hard-to-see areas, we need to gather as much detail as possible when planning advanced procedures like dental implant surgery. A cone beam scanner produces many images of your mouth that can be combined into a 3D model, allowing us to fully examine the jaw, facial structures, nasal cavity, sinuses, and various dental structures that must be accounted for.

iTero 5+ Scanner

Dental team member capturing images with the iTero five plus scanner

Our iTero 5+ scanner is an invaluable tool for restorative work as well as Invisalign treatments. It creates clear, highly detailed intraoral images that can be used as digital impressions, allowing for more accurate results than traditional dental putty. The scanner can also function as an intraoral camera, allowing us to show you your own teeth and gums so that you can see problem areas for yourself, enabling you to make better-informed decisions about your own care.